How to Paint Like Vincent van Gogh
Category: Books,Arts & Photography,Painting
How to Paint Like Vincent van Gogh Details
You might not think so now, but you can paint like a master. You can learn to be a master by first copying the masters, brushstroke by brushstroke and then emulating their style until you find your own. Using this book, you'll learn how to copy a painting step by step, learn how van Gogh painted, what he painted and why he painted, and how you can follow in his footsteps by emulating his art and techniques. Imagine the paintings Vincent van Gogh would have made if he hadn't ended his own life. This is a genius artist who helped change art forever with his vibrant colors, free expression, and passion. Now pay homage to the great artist by making those paintings happen. ContentsIntroduction– Learn by copying, as many great artists have doneChapter 1 Who Was Vincent van Gogh?– Big dreams and big struggles– Making emotional art in a new and energetic way– Prolific and troubled final yearsChapter 2 How Did van Gogh Paint?– Styles and subjects– Artistic messagesChapter 3 Paint Like van Gogh– Painting basics, learn the ropes– Materials and techniquesChapter 4 Copy These Paintings– Sunflowers– Starry NightChapter 5 Paint in the Style of van Gogh– Paint a painting of flowers in van Gogh's style– Suggestions
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Not too shabby. Wish it went in to a little more detail on his techniques rather than a step by step guide.