Landscapes Estimating & Contract Administration
Category: Books,Arts & Photography,Architecture
Landscapes Estimating & Contract Administration Details
About the Author Stephen Angley has a Bachelor of Science in Agriculture Degree, and Master of Science Degree in ornamental Horticulture and has been a landscape contractor for 6 years and an instructor in landscape contracting for 24 years (for the last 20 years at Cal Poly, one of the most prominent landscape contracting schools in the US) and has been an active member of the California Landscape Contractors Association and Associated Landscape Contractor of American (ALCA) for 20 years and is now serving on three ALCA committees.Edward Horsey has a degree in Commerce and in Law and diploma in landscape design, installations and maintenance, has practiced construction law for 35 years, has lectured in landscape estimating and contract administration for 7 years and been a consultant in the horticulture industry for 9 years.David Roberts has a Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Landscape Architecture Degree and ahs been a practicing landscape architect for over 25 years with many local, national and international commissions Read more
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This book was in top shape. It arrived before I knew it. Also I must say that it will be an inspiration towards my goals. Great value for price!